Pearly Wong Pui Yu

Diploma in Interior Design

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any events or thoughts that make you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. The purpose of this project is to let people feel calm and relax, let them feel that there is still hope through some of the different methods and ways to distress. Our target customers are students with worries about their income, fees, jobs, academics, or other kinds of stress. We also target employees who need to cope with stresses such as, excessive amounts of works, unrealistic deadlines, ineffective management, multiple reporting deadlines, or a poor working environment. To solves these problems, they need to remain calm to find the source of their problems and find solutions. They are a few types of ways to solves these cases. The first one is through consultation. Talking to someone who you trust or someone who can give you solutions really helps. It not only help you to feel better by expressing your feelings, but it might also help to improve one's communication skill, by this, they could minimize miscommunication. Another way is by taking time out or break from stressful situations and practice appropriate therapies regularly. This is because happiness is extremely vital to our own goals in life and can help us achieve many other cherished personal ambitions and goals.
The concept "Relight" is inspired by my client's name, Rekindle. It is the same meaning, revive. At Rekindle, they think and work systemically for the good of their clients. In this project, "Relight" means giving people who are annoyed or disturbed by stresses to experience a complete spiritual change. It is a place for them to relieve their stress, treat their pressure, relax, and stay calm.

© 2020 by INTI Center of Art & Design. Proudly created by the ICAD Voyage Showcase Committee.

( Made with Carrd )